We are sharing this update from ACCA, our professional body, for the interest of clients and contacts. The content is (c) ACCA
ACCA has been made aware that members may receive a letter from a company called Company Registry asking to activate their new company registration and a ‘secure vault’ by making a payment.
Companies House guidance confirms that this is a scam and no payment should be made. The letter will most likely be sent to a company’s registered office address and therefore it is likely that many practices may have already seen such letters or are likely to see them coming through at their offices if they are providing company registered office services at their practice address.
An example of the letter is shown below.

Meanwhile, this extract from the Companies House website does confirm this to be a scam:
Letter from ‘Company Registry’ asking for payment
We’re aware of a scam letter from a sender called Company Registry asking for payment to confirm company details and activate a secure vault.
This is a scam – do not send any money to the bank account shown.
If you receive a suspicious letter, contact us immediately on 0303 1234 500. Never pay any money to the sender.